Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More about me

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Hope you all are having a fabulous day I know I am.. Lunch today was a peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich on Weight Watchers bread and a side of fruit salad.

·         WW bread: 1 point

·         Penut Butter: 1 point

·         Jelly: ½ point

·         Fruit Salad: 2 points

o   Strawberries

o   Watermelon

o   Grapes

Total Points for Lunch: 4 ½

Total Points for day left 17 ½ - 4 1/2 = 13 points

About Me

            So I am going to go into a little about myself. I went to Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ and majored in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing. After graduation I decided to look for jobs all over New Jersey and New York and I landed a job in New York at a Vision Insurance company. I had these dreams of doing fashion/public relations and my official title is "Regulatory and Compliance Manager". Really REALLY boring. Anyway throughout college I got to the gym about 3-4 times a week and managed to be comfortable in my weight for "college standards" but now that I am in the real world I am not as comfortable in my own skin. This is when I joined weight watchers 3 weeks ago and lost 7.5 pounds. J I also have tried to incorporate more organic, naturally foods in my diet. I am still living at home with Mom and Dad and New Jersey and if all goes well I plan to move to New York with my wonderful boyfriend in Sept/Nov.

                In January of this year a life changing thing changed my life. My mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. She had her surgery right away and not is going through extensive chemotherapy three times week. I will go more into detail on this at a later date because I am not sure at this point I could come up with the words to explain how I felt watching her suffer each and every day. Please do keep her in your prayers. Because of this and various other stressful things in my life I have decided to run a 5K in her honor. I have been training for about 2 months and I can run 2 miles J Although to a lot of you.. Meghann, Bobbi, and Caitlin that might not seem like much I am trying to work myself up to where you all are. I would just like to thank Meghann for her words of encourage meant last week when I e-mailed her telling her my struggles with running. Basically I can run three miles but I feel like I am going to die and she told me that it was just as tough for her in the beginning. So that is a little bit more about me. I eventually will be adding some pictures but I am just getting use to this….

How many of you have tried the green monster? What does it taste like?





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